Seas the Day

Seas the Day
My oldest son, Neal, created this for me the weekend before he deployed to Afghanistan.

Welcome Aboard

I am about to start the beginning of the end tomorrow. My fabulous part-time job at Pinnacle (Delta) airlines ends on May 1, 2012 and I begin 10 days straight at the airport followed by 2 days of track meets. (I do computer work for track/cross country meets) So instead of feeling stressed about this time, I decided to embrace it....seize the day...if you will. I have wanted to start a blog for a long time but never felt like I had the time and the next two weeks when I actually DO NOT have the time, it actually felt right. I love the ocean and feel truly alive when I am there--in the sun, in the sand, in the water; tasting the salt in the air. I must have lived near the ocean in one of my past lives :) I enjoy crafting and creating and I feel like my brain is always thinking of new things to do or try. HOWEVER I don't create as often as I would like and I feel like I have so much to paint, craft, jewel, bedazzle, transform and love!!! So World here I come....everyday I am going to...Seas the Day!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Setting Sail

One of my favorite places is Santa Fe, NM.  I love all the sights, sounds, flavors and Spirituality of this town.  Years ago, I bought this vintage fountain at an estate sale and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it so it has sat in my backyard, looking sad until today.  I decided she needed a facelift, so I took to the patio with paints in hand and "Santa Fe'ed" her up!   I love her!!!! **** If you read my blog for long, you will find out that I make up my own words. I was a math teacher (not English) so I feel like I have liberty with words!!

1 comment:

  1. You have an excellent beginning. I love your picture of Neal's sand art, and when is Neal coming home? Hello to all!
